1.  > 游泳馆



本篇文章给大家谈谈婴幼儿游泳馆英语,以及婴儿游泳馆的服务用语对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 今天给各位分享婴幼儿游泳馆英语的知识,其中也会对婴儿游泳馆的服务用语进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!

  1. 游泳馆的英语怎么写
  2. 游泳馆的英文是什么?
  3. 游泳馆用英语怎么说?


游泳馆英文是:natatorium或The Swimming Stadium。There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel。这家旅馆内有一个大的室内游泳馆.It had been two years since I had been to the swimming baths。

游泳馆英文是:natatorium或The Swimming Stadium。 There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel。这家旅馆内有一个大的室内游泳馆. It had been two years since I had been to the swimming baths。

“游泳馆”用英语说是“swimming pool”。

indoor pool 英 [nd(r) pul] 美 [ndr pul] 游泳馆;室内游泳池 扩展资料 例句 I go to the indoor swimming pool once a week.我每周去一次室内游泳池泳。


游泳馆英文是:natatorium或The Swimming Stadium。 There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel。这家旅馆内有一个大的室内游泳馆. It had been two years since I had been to the swimming baths。

游泳馆英文是:natatorium或The Swimming Stadium。There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel。这家旅馆内有一个大的室内游泳馆.It had been two years since I had been to the swimming baths。

“游泳馆”用英语说是“swimming pool”。

indoor pool 英 [nd(r) pul] 美 [ndr pul] 游泳馆;室内游泳池 扩展资料 例句 I go to the indoor swimming pool once a week.我每周去一次室内游泳池泳。


游泳馆英文是:natatorium或The Swimming Stadium。There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel。这家旅馆内有一个大的室内游泳馆.It had been two years since I had been to the swimming baths。

“游泳馆”用英语说是“swimming pool”。


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